Editorial Team

The IIJ operates fully on a volunteer basis. Members of the Advisory Board, the Review Board and the Co-Editors contribute their time and expertise to the IIJ in order to advance the aims of the IIJ. 


  • Thomas Hardjono, PhD (MIT, USA)
  • Henri Uranus, PhD (UPH, Indonesia)
  • Endra Joelianto, PhD (ITB, Indonesia)

International Advisory Board

  • Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro, PhD (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Lakshminath Dondeti, PhD (Qualcomm, USA)
  • Paul England, PhD (Microsoft Research, USA)
  • Budi Rahardjo, PhD (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Prof. Svein Knapskog, PhD (NTNU, Norway)
  • Prof. Bambang Parmanto, PhD (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Prof. Wishnu Prasetya, PhD (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
  • Dr Graeme Proudler, PhD (HP Labs, UK)
  • Prof. Susanto Rahardja, PhD (NUS, Singapore)
  • Prof. Jennifer Seberry, PhD (University of Wollongong, Australia)
  • Prof. Willy Susilo, PhD (University of Wollongong, Australia)
  • Prof. David Taniar, PhD (Monash University, Australia)

Technical Review Board

  • Moch Arif Bijaksana, PhD (Telkom University, Indonesia)
  • Teddy Surya Gunawan, PhD (IIUM, Malaysia)
  • Brian Haberman, PhD (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
  • Dwi Handoko, PhD (BPPT, Indonesia)
  • Martin Gilje Jaatun, PhD (SINTEF, Norway)
  • Mira Kartiwi, PhD (IIUM, Malaysia)
  • Maciej Machulak (Newcastle University, UK)
  • Jesus Molina, PhD (Fujitsu Laboratories of America)
  • Bobby Nazief, PhD (UI, Indonesia)
  • Marisa Paryasto, PhD (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Ihan Martoyo, PhD (UPH, Indonesia)
  • Anto Satriyo Nugroho, PhD (BPPT, Indonesia)
  • Bernardi Pranggono, PhD (Univ of Leeds, UK)
  • Bambang Prastowo, PhD (UGM, Indonesia)
  • Bambang Riyanto, PhD (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, PhD (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Muhammad Suryanegara, PhD (UI, Indonesia)
  • Kuncoro Wastuwibowo, MSc (PT Telkom, Indonesia)
  • Setiadi Yazid, PhD (UI, Indonesia)